Thursday, May 12, 2011

Give your Clothes a Second Life

Fashions change and clothes gradually accumulate in wardrobes.  On average, the manufacture of 1,000 items of new clothing produces over 200Kg of waste as cloth, paper, and packaging.  If old clothes are in good condition they can be put back into circulation on the second-hand market, TradeMe is perfect for this as its a win/win situation, someone gets your old clothes that they want and will use and you get their money.  You can also give to charity or if you know ow to sew, alter old clothes into new garments.  The second-hand market offers an economic, environmentally friendly alternative to new clothes.

Sift through your clothes, and donate those you no longer wear to charity or sell them.  Clothes that are too damaged to be worn again can be used as cleaning rages.  When buying clothes think of alternatives to new, such as TradeMe or Op Shops, which is an increasing trend, keeping up with fashion, while consuming less - I bought the most lovely cream Dorothy Perkins top from an Op Shop the other day, brand new with tags, never worn $12!!

And its not just clothes, think household items as well - there are some amazing bargains to pick up - and vintage is cool!

1 comment:

  1. Your message is wonderful, Gemma! There many good reasons to participate in charity shops, whether they’d be buyers, sellers, donators, or volunteers. Not only will charity stuff help you cut cost, you are also giving back to the community and helping out the environment by moderating the need for manufactured clothes and items all at the same time. Keep your love for bargains going!

    Norman Watkins @ eBay Giving Works
