Thursday, October 7, 2010

Think about what you put in and on your body (even if you aren't pregnant)

There was an article the other day on 60minutes about Phthalates and how it may be causing birth defects in boys genitals, low sperm counts in adult males and low testosterone levels.  It was fascinating and just reiterated to me why we need to become so much more aware of what we use on our body but in our body as well.
Most of the Mums out there will be aware of BPA's and know how it should best be avoided.  What you may not have heard about is Phthalates which is the new nasty also found in plastics to make them softer and more flexible.

The problem with plastics is that they leech the Phtalates into our FOODS, HAIRCARE, SKINCARE, DRINKS, TOOTHPASTE, but they are also found in GLADWRAP, GREASEPROOF PAPER, KIDS TOYS the list goes on and on - just think about what you use that comes wrapped in plastic.

So not only are we ingesting Phthalates but we are spreading them onto our biggest organ (our skin) which is in turn being absorbed into our systems.  Pregnant women have to be extra careful but even if you are not pregnant, maybe take a moment to think about if there is an alternative to what you are currently using.

Look at using foods or skincare that come in glass or metal, wooden toys for your children and stop and think about using super nasties like Bio Oil which is a petrochemical in a plastic bottle, it doesn't get much worse than that, especially for pregnant women!  A really nice alternative to Bio Oil is Absolute Essential Maternity Care Stretchmark Oil $39.95 for 100ml, Absolute Essential only use the highest quality oils, this is delicious and comes in a lovely blue glass bottle.  I will be stocking this along with their Maternity Care Massage Balm $29.95 which not only helps with strechmarks but also will help to alleviate discomforts of pregnancy that especially affect the lower back, legs and feet.  Another wonderful product that I currently have in stock is Verite Spa Nourishing Belly Balm 65ml $19.90 with nutrient rich Shea Butter, Rosehip, Marula and more to help prevent stretch marks.

Avoid BPA and Phthalate ingestion by not using and re-using plastic water bottles.  These are probably the worst culprits of all, as the longer you use and refill the worse the integrity of the plastic gets.  Look for a stainless steel water bottle or just a cheap alternative is a glass bottle that you can refill.

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